2. Click Sign in and login to your account
2.1. Enter you full email address
2.2. Chose work or school account if prompted
4. You will receive an automated reply containing the signature template
4.1. Open this email and copy the signature template
4.2. Close the email
5. Click the Clog Wheel in the top corner of your screen
6. Click “Compose and Reply” and New Signature.
7. Set the signature name to “Outlook Web Signature” and paste the copied Signature from step 1 and edit the relevant fields
7.1 Edit the fields for your name, phone numbers and email address
7.2 Edit the Service Address at the bottom
7.3 Click Save once you have finished the signature
If you work in Childrens Homes or Supported Living you should enter your local office or school address
If in doubt leave the address as it is
8. Select default Signatures For:
• New Messages: ”Outlook Web Signature”
• Replies/Forwards: ”Outlook Web Signature”
9. Click “Save”.